
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

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Rounders tournament July 2024

Our rounders club have been working hard building up our skills ready for the end of year rounders tournament.  We went to Lewknor Primary School, and played against two schools in the local area. Our team did a wonderful job during the afternoon and we won the tournament!  The team showed great sportsmanship throughout the afternoon.

What a super way to end our sporting events for the year! Well done team. 

Year 5 friendly football match vs Chalgrove ⚽️ 


Well done to our Year 5’s for an impressive 7-1 win against Chalgrove on Thursday 27th June. Great teamwork! 

Henley Football Tournament 2024


A huge well done to our year 3/4 girls team and year 6 boys team for taking part in the Henley football tournament on Thursday 20th June. It was a fantastic day and, as always, the children represented Watlington perfectly. The girls finished 6th in their age group with a super goal from Wren and the boys finished a very respectable 2nd! Well done everyone! 🥳

Cross Country 2024


This year's cross country was a huge success! There was a buzz in the air and a very positive attitude from the whole school. A huge congratulations to our winners, and a well done to everyone for taking part! Thank you to the sports captains for their help, to the Icknield students for their support and to Miss Harman for organising.


"On Friday 7th June, everyone from reception to Year 6 participated in a cross country event. Years 1 - 6 raced around Watlington Primary School and Icknield, racing to see who would come through the red gate first. Everyone cheered on the runners, especially when the little Hedgehogs completed their race around the WPS paddock. We had lots of amazing Icknield students helping us and supporting us by leading the races and cheering us on. At the end, there were medals for each year group for the fastest boy, girl and, most importantly, best sportsmanship. We thank all the staff at Watlington Primary School who helped. We give a huge thanks to Miss Harman who organised this event and set it all up. We all had an amazing time and really enjoyed it. 

From the Year 5/6 Sports Captains" 

Key Stage One Athletics 


On Monday 20th May, we took an enthusiastic team of 10 Year 1 and Year 2 children to an athletics tournament at Chalgrove school. The children did a wonderful job representing Watlington, by listening and demonstrating skill and sportsmanship in every activity. The children’s favourite was most definitely ‘Hungry Hippos’, where they beat the record for the number of times they completed it. The children ended the morning with some running races, which they all performed in amazingly, but more importantly all cheered on the other children with great gusto too. The children came joint top with 2 other schools, and rightly so, were very proud of themselves. Thank you to the Year 6 children at Chalgrove for running such a fun event!

Well done for showing our school values at this sporting event!

Tag Rugby 


A huge well done to our Year 3 & 4 tag rugby team who took part in the tournament on Wednesday. We won 5 out of 6 of our matches! Amazing work everyone! laugh

A huge thank you to Mark Newman for coming in and giving our Year 3 & 4 tag rugby team a great training session ahead of their tournament. 😃

Sports Hall Athletics 


On Monday 26th February, we participated in a Sports Hall Athletics competition at Icknield School. Initially, we tied first place on points meaning the organisers had to look at how many races we had won compared to the other school. Unfortunately, we hadn't quite won as many races meaning we came away with a very respectable second place out of the five schools that took part. 


Well done team Watlington! Fantastic effort. smiley

Netball Tournament 


On Monday 29th January, our netball club took part in an inter-schools tournament hosted by Icknield. We came a very respectable second out of the four schools that took part. I am so proud of the team for showing true resilience. Well done Watlington! laugh

Tag Rugby Tournament 


On Monday 13th November, we attended a tag rugby tournament with three other local schools. Watlington showed true sportsmanship at this event and we WON the whole tournament! We are so proud of you all. Go team Watlington! laugh

First sports tournament of the new academic year!


On Monday 9th October, Watlington hosted the first inter-schools tournament of the new academic year. We took part in a football tournament with three other local schools: Chalgrove, RAF Benson and Lewknor. Watlington came 2nd place overall. Well done to everyone who played, what a great start! 


Unfortunately, the mandatory goal picture was forgotten... but enjoy a few snaps of us in action below! 

The team in action ⚽️

Still image for this video

Schools' Football Tournament, Henley on Thames

We are so proud of our team, coming a very respectable 3rd place, all taking home a medal.


Our pupils showed resilience and determination, supporting each other through the matches. 

Well done team!

Cross Country Event 2023


On Friday 9th June, Watlington held a Cross Country race for children in Reception - Year 6. We were very lucky to be helped by the lovely sport leaders from Icknield School, who led a warm-up and led the way around the route. All of the children ran brilliantly. Well done everyone, what a fantastic morning we had!


A special congratulations to the children who won a medal. There was a medal given to the fastest boy, fastest girl and the best sportsman each year group. 



WR football tournament in Barton - well done for reaching the semi-finals Team Watlington!

Football match against Tetsworth - round two!

Well done team Watlington for a great game against Tetsworth on Tuesday 28th March. We drew 1-1 and I think it’s fair to say that the two teams were very evenly matched! You showed true team spirit as always. 😊

Netball match against Chalgrove

Well done team Watlington on a fantastic win against Chalgrove! This was our first netball match of the academic year. The children showed brilliant teamwork and sportsmanship. smiley

Sports Hall Athletics Final

Well done to all children who took part in the Sports Hall Athletics Final at Wheatley Park School on Tuesday 7th March laugh we may not have won this time, but you all tried your hardest and kept going even though we were up against some very speedy schools! Good job team!

Friendly football match against Tetsworth


Well done Watlington for a fantastic game against Tetsworth School on Monday 20th February. You played brilliantly! Unfortunately, it wasn't our day and Tetsworth won 5 - 2. As always, the children represented Watlington perfectly. Well done team smiley

Friendly football match against Chalgrove


Well done Watlington for a fantastic football game against Chalgrove. The final score was 2-1 to Chalgrove - Watlington put up a good fight and it was a very close game. The teacher from Chalgrove commented on how well behaved our children were and the brilliant sportsmanship skills that they showed. Well done team, I am so proud of you all.

Sports Hall Athletics Tournament at Icknield 


On Wednesday 25th January, some of our year 5/6 children went to Icknield to take part in a Sports Hall Athletics tournament. Four local schools took part and I am so pleased to say that we won the entire event! The children were incredibly skilled and showed some brilliant sportsmanship. Please take a look at our photos below - I like to think they are so blurry because the children were moving too quickly for me to take a good photo of them! We definitely have some future Olympians here...! 


Well done Eagles, you were all amazing smiley


Year 5/6 Football Tournament


On Monday 14th November, Watlington hosted a friendly football tournament with Ewelme and Lewknor. The team (who had never played a match as a team before!) won their first match 6 - 0! The second match was much harder and they unfortunately lost 2 - 0 to a very strong team. I was so proud of all the children who participated; they showed great teamwork skills and represented our school brilliantly. A massive thank you to Mr Challis for refereeing the matches! Hopefully, this will be the first of more tournaments and sports matches against other schools. 


Well done team! yes


Running Club-Term 2

Running club is all about learning and developing skills for different types of running. Areas include:

  • Relay racing and hand overs
  • Sprint starts
  • Long distance techniques
  • Improving performance
  • Improving fitness

The children love challenging each other in our circular relays and races and trying to improve their long distance times. 

Welcome to our wonderful school!