
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

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Meet the Teacher 2021


WEEK BEGINNING: Monday 12th July 2021

Note to parents: Thank you again for supporting your child this week, we so appreciate everything you are doing. We are sure your child worked their little socks off!


Friday 16th July 2021

Morning Fabulous Friday Foxes,

Thank you all for a wonderful week of hard work. We are immensely proud of you all and you should be really proud of yourselves too. Please thank your families for giving you all their support to you this week.There is a song at the end of the wellbeing section about families, so when you have time, please read and listen to the words.

angelHave a fabulous weekend everyone, you deserve it.angel

heartheartWe are both so looking forward to seeing you all next week.heartheart

When we see you on Zoom - A Lovely Day Click here

Lots of love Mrs Flynn and Mrs Wiltshire


English: Please bring your letters to this final live lesson.

During the lesson today we are going to ask those that wish to, to read out their letters. We are so looking forward to hearing them!

Task: Your final tasks for today are to:

  • Evaluate your writing using the tool kit provided.
  • Make your corrections and improvements
  • Complete the boxes on your evaluation toolkit.
  • Copy your letter out in your very best handwriting.



We hope you have become symmetry experts this week.


Your final maths tasks of the week are:

  • A symmetrical Investigation
  • Creative symmetry – go outside and make some symmetrical faces, flowers, buildings with leaves, sticks. Stones. There are more ideas on the task activities sheet.
  • Reasoning Activity


Mindfulness:  Spreading kindness – a family activity when the family is all together.

Positive papers

The aim of this game is to fill everyone’s papers full of positive and lovely comments about each person. You can write as many kind thoughts as you like on each family member’s piece of paper.

 How to play:

  • You and your family all write your names in the middle of a piece of plain paper, you all then place your paper in the middle of the table.
  • You then write as many kind thoughts as you like on each family member’s piece of paper
  • Each family member then reads their own paper. You will all then  see how kind your family is and how much thought everyone has for each other.
  • Each member of the family reads out the comments written by the rest of the family on their piece of paper.

When you have completed the task, listen to a song about being part of a family:


heartSister Sledge: ‘We are Family’ Click hereheart


Thank you all again, for a wonderful week of learning.

If you have any unfinished work, try to find time to complete it today.



Thursday 15th July 2021

Morning Foxes,

We are looking forward to seeing you all later. You are all doing a fantastic job at home, keep up the hard work! We are really getting excited about your persuasive letters as we know that you will have been putting a lot of thought into what you wish to say in them.

We hope you are all finding some time to enjoy the lovely weather that has finely returned!

Lots of love Mrs Flynn and Mrs Wiltshire



Today you are going to be planning and writing your letters. In our live lesson we will go through a plan with you. We will give you some ideas about what to include and how to set out your letter. You can print off the plan and jot ideas down as we talk or you can just make some notes in your book. Once we have finished our lesson you will be able to use your plan to write your letter to our local MP John Howell. Remember to try and include those features that we have talked about earlier in the week:

  • Imperative verbs,
  • Rhetorical questions,
  • Repeat some words for emphasis
  • Interesting adjectives
  • Different sentence openers.

Try to make your letter as persuasive as possible! When you have finished Foxes, you can bring them in to school on Monday next week and we will send them off to John Howell. We might even get a response back!


Maths: Symmetry is Everywhere!

Symmetry is all around us, so today you are going on a ‘Symmetrical Scavenger Hunt’. You will be looking out for 2D and 3D symmetrical objects around the house and in the garden.

The following BBC video will help you to get started on your hunt. Click here


  • To see what symmetrical objects you can find and record on your ‘Symmetrical Scavenger Hunt’ sheet. OR you can draw the grid in your books and then record the objects straight into your books.
  • A ‘Collecting Data’ challenge has been included on the activity sheet,  should you wish to do a little extra. You could always compare your findings with a friend!
  • Complete the ‘Symmetrical Logo Investigation’.
  • Add some more well-known logos to the investigation activity.
  • Design your very own symmetrical logo.
  • Design a ‘Save the Planet’ symmetrical logo.

If you do not manage to complete the above tasks today, you can complete them over the next few days or at the weekend.



We know you have all had to stay at home this week, so we have included some links that you might want to look at to help you get active.

  • Fitness HIIT Workouts (Joe Wicks “Body Coach”) – Click here
  • Yoga (Cosmic Kids Yoga) – Click here


Mindfulness/Wellbeing (For the whole family)

In this busy world of ours, the mind is constantly pulled from pillar to post, scattering our thoughts.

Most of us don’t have five minutes to sit down and relax, let alone 30 minutes or more for a calm meditation session!

It is important for our wellbeing to take a few minutes each day to let our minds rest and achieve a positive mind-body balance.

Here is a simple mindfulness exercise you can use to empty your mind and find some much-needed calm amidst the business of your busy day. Click here


Mindful Appreciation Thinking task - you may wish to complete this task with your family. It will help you focus on your surroundings and appreciate the small things that we have around us.

Wednesday 14th July 2021

Note to parents:

There are a lot of worksheets uploaded today.

Please only pick the ones you require as we know it must seem daunting when you see so much on the class page!

The science activities can be carried out at a later date.

Morning Busy Foxes,

It was lovely to see you all your happy faces yesterday.

We look forward to seeing you again at 10.00am today.

Goodness half through the week already! We hope you have been working hard again and completing your tasks. Please try to finish them this morning before starting the tasks set for you today. We know you are trying your very best, so well done.

Please bring your ‘Save the Planet’ notes to the Zoom session today as you will need them in the lesson.

Lots of love Mrs Flynn and Mrs Wiltshire xx


English- Live session

How did you get on spotting the features in the letter? Did you also spot the features that were missing? Maybe you challenged yourself and tried to spot the features in the other persuasive texts on the presentation.

Before you begin to write your persuasive letter you need to build up a bank of persuasive writing skills.

To help you do this, you need to know how you can improve the impact of what you say in your persuasive letter. How you compose your sentences is very important, so today you will be learning about ‘Persuasive devices/techniques’. Persuasive devices/techniques are language features used in a persuasive piece of text.



LO: To complete a range of symmetric figures.

Today we would like you to have a go at creating your own symmetric figures. We have attached some squared paper for you to print out if you would like to or you can just draw them in your book. We have also attached some examples of different symmetrical figures for you to look at to give you some ideas. Enjoy!


Remember to check your Mathletics account. We have allocated a couple of activities that are either related to revision of addition and subtraction (which we have looked at this term) or symmetry.

Spelling and Grammar

Today your lesson is on using an apostrophe for singular possession. Listen carfully to the lesson and follow the activities. Click here


Science: Plants

We are continuing to look at plants in science. Today you are going to learn how water is transported within plants.

Please do not feel you have to do an investigation today, you can complete it at a convenient time to your family. We would normally have carried out an investigation during a lesson in the classroom.


  • To read the Science information presentation ‘Plants and Moving Water’.
  • To investigate the way in which water is transported within plants by observing the transport of food colouring through a flower stem.
  • OR You can try the celery investigation to see how water travels in plants.
  • Complete the activities.

Challenge: Oak Academy also have a lesson about how water travels in plants. We have not looked at some of the vocabulary used in the lesson, so please do not be put off watching the lesson by the words at the beginning of it. It really is worth following. Click here

Tuesday 13th July 2021

Good Morning lovely Foxes!

We hope you enjoyed your first day back doing home learning. We are really looking forward to seeing you all later on when we have our zoom lesson. We have missed seeing all of your lovely smiley faces.

Just a reminder- please ensure that you also look at this terms home learning grid

for further ideas of tasks to complete.

As before – please use your home learning book to record all your work in.

Lots of love Mrs Flynn and Mrs Wiltshire xxxx


EnglishLIVE lesson

Today we will be looking at some features of persuasive texts and how these features can be used in letter writing. After our live lesson we would like you to look at the letter we will attach after the lesson and identify some of the features we have talked about in our zoom lesson. You can either print off the letter and highlight the features or list them in your home learning book.



LO: To explore and evaluate different lines of symmetry.

How did you get on with your investigation yesterday? Was the statement true or false?

Today you are going to explore symmetry in further detail. Please look over the Information sheet from yesterday, to refresh your memory, if you need to. Watch BBC symmetry - click here


  • Complete one of the activities all about symmetry. You do not have to print these out – you can copy the shapes into your book using a ruler if you wish to.
  • You will need to evaluate different lines of symmetry too. This means you will judge its effectiveness.

           For example:

           Is the line of symmetry in the correct place or not?

           You will need to test and explain whether it is or not, and why.

  • If you feel confident with exploring symmetry, have a go at the reasoning challenge.



Look at the information provided on plastic pollution. This will help you with your final task. As it is the end of term and we have come to the end of our topic on Save the Planet, we would like you to choose one of the following activities

  • Produce a poster/Power Point or drawing warning people about some of the ways we are damaging our planet. You could also include some ways that they can help to save our planet.
  • Create your own quiz for your family. See what they know about recycling, plastic pollution or damage caused to our oceans!
  • Have a go at reusing plastic and make your own bird feeder. Look at the link below and it will explain how you can do this. You will need a grown up to help you with this, so if they are busy then you might want to wait until the weekend or even save this activity for over the summer holidays. Click here


Spelling and Grammar

LO: To understand the two functions of apostrophes.

Last week you looked at adding an apostrophe for possession.


Please watch and complete the activities set in the following Oak Academy lesson about apostrophes. This lesson will remind you about the two functions of apostrophes. Click here

Monday 12th July

Good Morning Foxes! heart

As you know, things will be a little different this week, as you will be returning to home learning for the whole week. We will continue teaching you just like we did before; we hope that we will all be back together next week! We know how hard you worked before with your home learning, so we are sure that you will be able to do it again for the week.

smiley Good luck and enjoy the tasks set for you today! smiley

Lots of love Mrs Flynn and Mrs Wiltshire

English: Persuasive Text

LO: To create detailed notes on why we should save the planet and how we can help to save it.

This week you are going to be learning how to compose a persuasive letter. It is going to be linked to our topic of Save the Planet. By the end of the week you will be expected to write a persuasive letter using the skills you will have been taught.


Today you are going to begin to make notes about all the reasons why we should save the planet. If you wish, you can make your notes using bullet points.

  • Read the information document ‘Save the Planet’ to give you some ideas about how to save the planet. We know that you will have some of your own fantastic ideas too.
  • Also, begin to make notes on what people could do at home to help save the planet. There is a table provided for you to record or you can just copy the table on to some paper at home.


Maths: Symmetry

LO: To investigate lines of symmetry within 2D shapes.

Today you are going to be looking at lines of symmetry.

What is symmetry? Something is symmetrical if it is the same on both sides. One half is the mirror image of the other half.


  • Watch Oak Academy - Identify and Describe Lines of Symmetry. Click here
  • Read through the information sheet about symmetry, as it will explain symmetry in further detail.
  • Now you know about symmetry, it is time for you to get your investigator hats on as you are going to investigate the following statement:

All regular 2D shapes have the same number of lines of symmetry as they do number of sides.

For example: A square has 4 sides. Does it have 4 lines of symmetry too?

Attached is a worksheet full of different 2D shapes.

Test the following:

How many lines of symmetry does each shape have? Does it match up to the number of sides?

Is the statement above true or false? How do you know?

You can use a small mirror to check if a shape is symmetrical by placing the mirror on the line of symmetry. If the reflection is the same as the other side of the shape, the line of symmetry is correct.

Good luck Foxes, enjoy investigating!.


Spelling: Year 2 and Year 3 common exception words.

See Week 6 common exception words on your weekly spelling lists.

Make a sentence with each word, or could you even do a funny mini-story using them all? Challenge: Either using a real thesaurus or one online, can you find words that have a similar meaning to these ones? Perhaps you can learn some NEW words.


Art: Symmetry

Choose one of the pictures of the animals; sketch and colour the other half – make sure it is symmetrical. You could do the same with a flower, tree or a face.


P.E: Cricket

This term you have been learning skills to play cricket. If the weather is dry, go out in the garden and practise some of the skills that you have been practising in your lessons.


Foxes beautiful tulips planted on our 'Outdoor Learning Day'. You can also see our onions which are beginning to grow really well.

Dear Foxes,


Above are copies of the work that have been sent home with in your home learning books.


You have:

- a spelling sheet - you will work on these words in school, but also practise them at home.

- a homework grid - choose a task to complete each week.

- a reading record book - Year 2: record the details of the book that you have read and include notes about how you got on with the book (An adult can record this for you)

- a reading record sheet - Year 3:complete it each time you finish a book and see how many of the challenges you can complete this year.

- your Mathletics logins have been sent home and you should log on each week to see what work has been set.  Don’t forget to check the problem solving tasks too.  Feel free to play maths games once you've finished your assigned task.


There is also a copy of this term’s topic web for your reference.


If for some reason you are unable to come to school, please use these as a basis for your work.  Be original and work to the best of your ability.  For example, you could:


- write out your spellings in super sentences in your best handwriting.

- review a book from your reading challenge.

- choose a task from the homework grid and take the time to plan, produce, edit and publish to a very high quality.

- practice your mental maths at


As always, please do your very best!

Love Mrs Flynn and Mrs Wiltshire

If you are unable to come into school (for example, if your household needs to isolate) please base your home learning on the grid above.  You can complete the tasks in any order that you like, but please work to the best of your ability. Good luck!

TERM 4 Week 2
TERM 4 Week 1
TASK RESOURCES Tuesday 23rd February
TERM 3 Week 6

RESOURCES TASKS Thursday 11th February 2021

RESOURCES INFORMATION Wednesday 10th February 2021

TERM 3 Week 5

RESOURCES INFORMATION Wednesday 3rd February 2021

TASK RESOURCES: Monday 1st February 2021
Term 3 Week 4 - Music Week
TASK INFORMATION: Friday 29th January 2021
INFORMATION RESOURCES: Friday 29th January 2021
INFORMATION RESOURCES: Thursday 28th January 2021
TASK RESOURCES: Wednesday 27th January 2021
INFORMATION RESOURCES: Wednesday 27th January 2021
TASK RESOURCES: Tuesday 26th January
TASK RESOURCES: Monday 25th January
TERM 3 Week 3
TASK RESOURCES: Friday 22nd January 2021
INFORMATION RESOURCES: Friday 22nd January 2021
TASK RESOURCES: Thursday 21st January 2021
INFORMATION RESOURCES: Thursday 21st January 2021

TASK RESOURCES: Wednesday 20th January


INFORMATION RESOURCES: Wednesday 20th January
TASK RESOURCES: Tuesday 19th January 2021
INFORMATION RESOURCES: Tuesday 19th January 2021
TASKS RESOURCES: Monday 18th January 2021
INFORMATION RESOURCES: Monday 18th January 2021
TERM 3 Week 2
TASKS: RESOURCES Friday 15th January 2021
TASKS RESOURCES: Thursday 14th January 2021
INFORMATION Resources: Thursday 14th January 2021
Resources: Wednesday 13th January 2021
Resources: Tuesday 12th January 2021
Resources: Monday 11th January 2021
TERM 3 Week 1
Resources: Friday 8th January 2021
Resources: Thursday 7th January 2021
Resources: Wednesday 6th January 2021
Resources: Tuesday 5th January 2021

Home learning due to Covid-19 isolation


If your child is isolating at any point, please refer to the class' current home learning grids and spelling lists below for home learning tasks. In addition, your child should log in to Mathletics and complete the tasks they have set on there. They should also be reading and discussing what they have read with an adult on a daily basis.


Please see below for past home learning grids / activities / resources.

Term 1

Welcome to the new year Foxes!

It has been lovely having you all back this week and we have really enjoyed working with you.


Below we have attached copies of the work sent home in your home learning books.

  • A homework grid - choose a task to complete each week
  • A reading record for Yr3 - complete it each time you finish a book and see how many of the challenges you can complete this year.
  • Your Mathletics logins have been sent home and you should log on each week to see what work has been set. Feel free to play maths games once you've finished your assigned tasks.
  • A spelling sheet with weekly spellings for you to practise at home. The spellings you have in your Home learning books are the ones you need to focus on.
  • A Newsletter for term 1


If for some reason you are unable to come to school, please use these as a basis for your work. Be original and work to the best of your ability. For example, you could:

  • Write out your spellings in super sentences in your best handwriting.
  • Review a book from your reading challenge.
  • Choose a task from the homework grid and take time to plan, produce, edit and publish to a very high quality.

Keep up the fantastic work Foxes!

Mrs Flynn, Mrs Wiltshire and Mrs Garrod



Dear All,

Many thanks for joining us this afternoon!

As promised, more suggested home learning for you!!!!!!  Please feel free to work through the grid at your own pace. We have attached some support resources as well as some useful websites.

We wish you a relaxing and fun summer holiday and look forward to seeing you all in September.

All our love Mrs Flynn and Mrs Wiltshire


Welcome to our wonderful school!