
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

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Sports Day

Term 6 - wow, now that was a busy week in Hedgehogs! A day out at Sutton Courtenay for our trip, EYs Olympics, follwed by our class assembly!!

Term 5 - Writing Stories! This week we have been inspired to create our own stories after re-telling Dragon Post in groups. We 'stepped out' the story so we could remember the beginning, middle and end.

Term 5 - We are embracing this topic, exploring new vocabulary through learning about castles, dragons and knights. This week we built our own castles, talking about moats, turrets, dungens, drawbridges, flags, battlements and towers.

Term 5 - Dragon Post! Our new book arrived in a special delivery, complete with a letter and a toy dragon bursting from a broken egg shell. We had a lot of fun guessing what might be inside the box.

Term 4 Jungle Scrumble

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Here is our Jungle Scrumble Talk 4 Write performance from Term 4. The children learned the rhyme off by heart, wrote about the animals, changed the character in the story and re-told the story in their own words.

Remote learning - for use when isolating

Art Week - Kandinsky


We learnt about the artist Kandinsky this week.  We looked at some of his paintings and learnt that he liked his paintings to be different (abstract).  We made a piece of art work as a class, similar to his paintings, called 'Squares with concentric circles'.  We painted while we listened to classical music, just like Kandinsky did!  Also, we looked at some of his paintings and talked about if our feelings were colours, what would they be?  We went outside and used chalk to carry on recreating our Kandinsky art work!  What a great week! 

World Book Day 2022

Kung Hei Fat Choi!

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All of Early Years enjoyed trying Sweet and Sour noodles with bamboo shoots, red and yellow peppers and prawn crackers! There was none left for the staff! They also enjoyed listening to traditional Chinese music and spoke about how it made them feel.

Listening to Chinese music.

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The Evil Pea Strikes Again!

A Trap is Set... can the children catch Evil Pea in their jelly traps?

Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who has responded to our email about the idea of a trip later this year, it really helps to get your views! 

From all the Robins and Hedgehogs Staff Team.eam.

Today in Forest School we found some mysterious green blobs..... could it be Evil Pea or had something else left the marks?

We rushed back to the classroom to talk about what we thought had made the marks.... and drew our ideas for what the mysterious creature might look like!

Hedgehogs and Robins bring Stick Man to life in Forest School

In maths this week we explored ways to make a whole number (10) by sharing it into two parts (5+5).

Topic Web Term 2

Lots more mark-making in Hedgehogs class this week.

Spooky goings-on in the Silly Soup Cafe, making poisonous potions and playing in role. We have all certainly ticked off being imaginative this week!

Newsletter Term 2

Forest School Homework..... yesterday at Forest School (9.11.21) Kit spotted a real bird's nest up in a tree. It was about 1 - 2 metres up and was made of twigs. It was about 20cm wide.

We talked about which bird could have made the nest and had a look online for some more information, once we were back in class. We still didn't find out for sure which bird made the nest..... it is a mystery.....


I then set the Hedgehogs a challenge to go home and keep looking for more clues about which bird makes that type of nest. If you would like to help us solve this mystery please do! I have found a link (below) but perhaps we have some experts out there who can help.... are you a 'Twitcher', can you help?

Open Afternoon


Open Afternoon. Thank you to all who were able to make it this afternoon, it was so good to welcome parents back into the classroom after all this time! If you were not able to come and would like a quick look at your child's books after school one day just let me know. Happy weekend all!

Please find below and explanation of our school approach to supporting behaviour and teaching values. I hope you find it useful.

Visitor: Tuesday 19th pm


Just to make you aware the Hedgehogs children will have a visit tomorrow afternoon from 'Sully' from Thames Valley Police. This is just a short presentation, at an age-appropriate level, to help children learn a little more about the role TVP have in our community. Please see the clip from TVP, below:

PC Ben is the title and hero of a new story book which neighbourhood policing teams will be using as part of visits to schools, helping to explain the role of the police and promote positive interactions with children now and for the future.

The illustrated book tells the story of PC Ben, a neighbourhood police officer who has a busy day looking after his local community. He is friendly and takes his time to speak to people, is kind and knows how to help as he comes across various situations. 

Healthy Teeth!


It was great to meet the dentist today via Zoom. The Robins and Hedgehogs classes joined together; listened beautifully and asked some excellent questions.


We hope you found the free toothpaste useful. If your child needs a little help to brush for two minutes twice a day you could try sharing the song below. Have fun!


Just to let you all know that from the week beginning 27th September our Forest School afternoon will be a Tuesday. Please make sure children have clothes in school that keep their arms and legs covered to avoid nettle stings / brambles / enable swinging /climbing etc. Please speak to your child about what they should wear, get them involved and allow them to think about what would be sensible. Try to encourage independence and thinking skills so they are able to make good choices for themselves. This is all part of the experience!

Thank you to all the parents who supported us at our Early Years curriculum event on Tuesday.  We hope this gave you an insight into your child's day in school and our playful approach to learning!  For those who couldn't make it, please find attached the slides. We have added an additional link, below, which we hope you find useful.

Photos: here are just a few of the many, many photos I have taken this week!! I am keeping a list of who has featured, so don't worry if your child has not appeared yet.... there is plenty of time yet! Watch this space.....

Outdoor Day: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Forest School

Mark-making and more!

Week 1

Welcome Hedgehogs!


The children have been a delight so far! They are enjoying seeing old friends and making new ones and exploring all the learning on offer. We are looking forward to a fantastic first term!


I have added a few documents for your information below.

Phonics: I will be adding some information about our current phonics learning by the end of this week so you can see what the children are getting up to.

Reading: I have given all children a reading book now and a yellow Reading Diary. Please use the diary to give me feedback on how they got on with the book, after you have shared it at home. Each child needs a book bag in school every day so we can easily change books or read with them. These are kept in three boxes just inside the classroom for easy access, so they are all in one place. 


We have sent 'Home Learning Books' today for anyone who wishes to start trying out a task from the class home learning grid. These are in book bags. 


Forest School will start next Friday (17th). Please ensure your child is well dressed for whatever the weather brings! They will need arms and legs covered to protect them from stinging nettles and scratches from overhanging branches / twigs. Girls can wear leggings under dresses / skirts or long trousers. Boys will need trousers and not shorts please. Spare socks can be useful in case we get wet feet. ALL children MUST HAVE a coat and waterproofs / wellies every day but especially in time for Forest School on Friday. 

Welcome to our wonderful school!