
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

Home Page


Monday 6th July 2020

Good Morning Hedgehogs. We hope you enjoy your week at home. We look forward to seeing you when you return ready to meet your new teachers in the week beginning 13th July. Look out for Parentmails with more information early this week. Enjoy your home learning!

Monday 29th June 2020

Hello Hedgehogs! We hope you have enjoyed the sunshine this week and found fun ways to keep yourselves cool. 

We have asked the children in school what they would like to learn about this week, so we hope you enjoy their ideas! Remember to keep reading and enjoying books regularly. We are loving all the work you have e-mailed into us. It is good to see your effort and enthusiasm. Well done!

Monday 22nd June 2020

Hi Hedgehogs,

Hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families. Wasn't that rain on Thursday heavy? If it is rainy next week please bring a raincoat to school. We go out rain or shine in the Hedgehogs classes!


We are continuing our journeys and oceans theme this week. Following the children's interests we have explored recycling and discussed how to prevent plastic ending up in the oceans, so this will continue into this week. Please look at out home learning grid to see all the ideas for this week.





If your child has returned to school they will have been issued with a new reading book. Please make sure you find a few minutes each day to read this. If they have not yet returned to school please continue to read your own books at home to practise this important skill.


  • The first try could be mainly you reading the book, so they become familiar with the story.
  • The second try should involve your child sounding out words and blending the sounds together to make sense of the words and begin to read the sentences.
  • The third read through should be to help your child gain confidence and be able to read the sentences more fluently.


We will change books every week. Please write a short comment each time you read their book at home in the yellow home/ school reading diary.

This is especially important at the present time, when the children have all missed so many reading times at school. They will soon catch up if they keep reading every day.

Please let one of the team know if you would like extra support to get your child reading at home. we are happy to help!

                                                          Monday 8th June 2020


Good morning Hedgehogs, we hope you are all well and had a great weekend.

It was lovely to see so many of you last week back in the classroom. We are very proud of how well you all coped with the new routines - even reminding the grown-ups of how we all keep safe!! Wrap up warmly if you are in school this week as it has become much cooler.... please don't forget your coats. It might be a good idea to have your legs covered in case we go to Forest School.


 Our new theme for Term 6 is 'Journeys' and we are starting this by reading a new book called 'The Journey' by Neil Griffiths and Scott Mann. We hope you will enjoy it. The clip below is the story put to music.



Some children have completed all their Mathletics tasks and some have activities still to complete. If your child has extra time after doing the Maths posted on the grid and want to use Mathletics, please look at the PLAY section and get them to try this out. This allows them to answer calculation questions as quickly as possible, they play against other children in a safe online space.  If your child still has tasks to finish try spending 10 minutes daily to get as many done as possible. They are really quite quick!

Week 2 Home Learning Grid

How are the toys getting on with their social distancing?

If you would like to start the day with something active Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) is doing a daily workout for kids on his YouTube channel.


Daily Maths


  • Please try out the Mathletics website!
  • Count things around your house, toys, bricks, pencils..... and outside, pebbles, leaves, flowers. Count everything!
  • Practise counting on from any number up to 20, e.g. 13..... 14,15, 16 etc. (This is harder than starting at 1.)  Practise counting back from any number up to 20. Are you better at counting on or counting back?

Term 6 Week 1

Welcome to our wonderful school!