
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

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Class Information and Spellings

Term 6: Under The Sea

Remote learning - for use when isolating

Out under the sea art morning was so much fun! We used lots of recyclable materials.

The Bats had a great day celebrating the Queen's Jubilee! We had some fantastic costumes from the 1950s and we loved performing our song for the whole school.

We enjoyed ourselves at the Paddock this morning (despite the weather!) What a lovely way to celebrate the end of SATs and all the hard work the children have been doing. Thank you so much for bringing in the tasty treats!

Bats and Owls Meerkat mail text map

We explored Hindu artefacts.

Term 5 - Topic web, home learning grid and spelling.

It has been a busy last week of term! 

We enjoyed a Djembe drumming workshop. Pupils from Icknield came over to help us learn different skills. 

We have also been learning all about Wassily Kandinsky during Art week. We practised sketching shapes first and then used colour and shapes to create our own pictures.

The Great Fire of Watlington! We couldn't believe how fast the fire spread and it made us think about what it would have been like for the people living in London in 1666.

We gathered and apply tools, equipment, skills and techniques to create a Tudor house for our Great Fire of London topic with our buddies this afternoon!

This week we had lots of fun completing a maths trail on World Maths Day!

The Bats have had a very busy start to Term 4. We have been learning all about William Shakespeare and we looked at one of his famous plays this week called A Midsomer Night's Dream. We also had so much fun on World Book Day making pop up cards and sharing all our books.

In our English lessons we have been creating our own instructions based on 'How to trap a rat in 1666'. We enjoyed creating our traps this afternoon.

Welcome to the great reading rat race! To move along the race, your child need to read at least 3 times a week! The class who reads the most at the end of term, gets a prize!!

We have had a busy week in Bats learning about capacity and time, practising telling our T4W text and creating Great Fire of London pictures!

Bats and Owls - How to trap a rat

Can you share our text map with an adult at home?

Tuesday 11th January 

Today we learnt all about The Great Fire of London, with the team from the Science Museum.  The children were enthusiastic and in awe during the workshop, where they explored fire, the great fire of London and the reasons why the fire spread, then eventually stopped.

Ask us,

How the fire started?

What are the 3 things a fire needs to start?

What helped to stop the fire?

Happy New Year!


It has been lovely to welcome back all of the Bats this week. We are very excited about our new topic The Great Fire of London which we know the children will really enjoy.


Please see below for more information about our learning this term.

Home Learning

On Wednesday this week, we went to the church in Watlington.  In RE have been learning about Judaism, looking at the features of a synagogue, the symbol that represents Judaism and other elements of being part of the Jewish community.  

Ask us about,

- The Torah

- The Tallit

- The Kippah

- The Star of David

-The Mezuzah


At the church we spotted the features of a Christian place of worship, including the alter, the crosses, stained glass windows, pulpit, font and lectern. We then made comparisons between the church and a synagogue. 


We also had the pleasure of looking at the beautiful Christmas trees that are part of the Christmas tree festival.  

It has been another busy week in Bats!

We have been creating our own dinosaurs. We also created our own class dinosaur - The Sea-a-saurus! Towards the end of the week we pretended to be paleontologists and in groups think about some questions that we would like to ask about the Sea-a-saurus. We have also been doing some super work on division in maths. This week has been anti-bullying week and we have been thinking about how we can all be kind to each other.

We have been working hard on our T-Rex Non-chronological report. We have really enjoyed acting out the story map. In maths, we have been looking at sharing. We had great fun learning about Remembrance and even wrote a class poem! See the pictures below.

Friday 8th October 2021


The Bats have had an amazing Outdoor day! They have taken part in many different activities including natural art, building dens for dinosaurs, scavenger hunts with their buddies and clearing our allotment.

They will certainly sleep well tonight!


Abigail: 'I loved all of it!'

Dylan: 'I liked the scavenger hunt and picture frame.

Willow: 'I loved the whole of it!'

Phoebe:' I loved the allotment and finding snails.'

Ethan: 'I loved the whole bit!' 

Friday 17th September 2021

Bats are having great fun getting to know each other better, and doing some exciting learning. There are lots of new faces, routines, and experiences happening so don't be surprised if your child is tired! Do please try to fit in a short spell of reading as many nights as you can as this is the best way to help your child enjoy reading and make progress.

Have a lovely weekend, and remember to share the photos with your child. They well trigger some memories!


Mrs Stewart

Welcome to Bats!

The children have had a great time so far and have been very busy!  I look forward to getting to know your children and yourselves better over the coming weeks. I will add some photos soon so you can see some of the learning experiences that have been on offer.

Please check this page regularly, preferably with your child, so that you can talk about their time at school together. 

You can find the newsletter and home learning attached below.

I am available by e-mail and after school if there is anything you would like to talk to me about. 


Mrs Stewart

Below are some of the children's responses to my question 'What has been your favourite part of this week?'


'Making new friends'                       'Going on the climbing frame'          'Playing with friends'


'The assembly story'                        'Playing together'                        'The teachers are nice!'


'That we all make new friends'


It has been a happy week all round!

Welcome to our wonderful school!