
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

Home Page


Tree spotting at the paddock

Welcome to term 6!


I have attached the home learning grid and spellings for this term.  Please return this on Wednesdays and we will celebrate it together on Fridays. 


The class have recently enjoyed activities such as having a science lesson at the Paddock (with some playing and a treat!) as well as a fantastic drama workshop!  On Mondays the All Star cricket sessions will continue too. 


As always, please get in touch if you have any questions.


Thank you for your ongoing support.



Welcome to term 5.  This term we will be learning about castles.  If you would like to find out more about what we are doing, please refer to our topic web.  Your child should have received a new home learning grid, with lots of ideas on how to support learning at home.  We look forward to celebrating their achievements together!


As always, please speak to us after school or via the class email with any questions or concerns.

We look forward to working with you again this term.




Watch out! A gorilla's about!

Monday 8th March


Hello Owls!


I can't wait to see you in class today!

If you are at home and need to access remote learning, I have attached a learning grid.


Mrs Sterjo

Friday 5th March


Dear Owls,


This is your last remote learning day! I can't wait to see you on Monday!  If you are feeling a little worried about returning, then we have made a new video for you (see the class pages) and I have created a class social story for you to look through with your families. 


We will have a happy week, I promise!


See you for our live lesson,


Mrs Sterjo



Use the classroom video and social story to think about what we need to remember about returning to school.  Can you create a poster, make a poem or any other creative way of reminding us what we should be remembering when we return.



Today you will be consolidating your knowledge of measuring capacity.

Complete one or more of the following challenges or recap any activity you found a challenge this week.

  1. How much does it hold?
  2. Read the mls
  3. Little Man activity – see attached


Extra challenge

  • 4.Colour the jugs in litres
  • 5.  Add and subtract volume


Return to school

Watch the video on the school website about our return, and talk to someone at home about it. We will need to

Wash our hands more

Try to stay apart

Catch our coughs and sneezes to stop them spreading.


You can watch the clip to remind you about good hand washing.


Remember that your friends might need a little looking after as well, and you can look after each other.

Draw round your hands and write or draw something you could do to be a good friend in each finger.




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Thursday 4th March


Welcome to World Book Day!


Today you will be completing activities linked to our focus author Anthony Browne.  Please see the attached WBD grid for lots of ideas!


Open the Book Taster document and you can choose different books to find out about!


I will also be reading a story, live, at 6pm!


Come dressed in your best clothes, pjs or fancy dress!


See you at 9.45am.


Mrs Sterjo



For today’s Live Lesson I would like you to bring your favourite book with you to show us. It would be good if you can tell us why you like it, and maybe a bit about it.

After the Live Lesson you could complete a book review on your favourite book to tell everyone about what it is like. We will display these when we are back at school.

Have a go at as many activities from the World Book Day grid today. And enjoy the virtual book tasting too!



Today you will be learning about capacity/ volume.

Begin by watching the BBC Bitesize video on capacity.

Then watch the Oak Academy lesson and work through the activities.

  1. With a grown up look through a range of containers holding liquid and find out how much liquid they hold.
  2. Find out how many cups of water you will need to fill a cereal bowl with water.  You could estimate how many you will need before you start.
  3. Compare the cups activity – see attached


Extra challenge

- Reading scales

- Measuring volume


Here is the Oak Academy link

Wednesday 3rd March


Dear Owls,


Well done on your brilliant measuring so far this week!  I will see you for our live lesson on World Book day! - remember, you can be in pjs, fancy dress or your best clothes!  

I will also be reading a live bedtime story at 6pm, so use our class Zoom link to join me!


Have a happy Wednesday!


Mrs Sterjo



Today you will be learning about mass/ weight.

Begin by watching the following Oak Academy lesson on kilograms.


Then complete one or more of the following activities.

  1. Find 3 items in your kitchen that weight 1kg.  How do you know?  Then can you find something lighter and something heavier?  How do you know?  You could draw what you find.
  2. Complete the Oak Academy worksheet ‘comparing the mass of objects’.
  3. Complete the Oak Academy quiz.
  4. Take a range of items in your kitchen and weigh them using scales.


Extra challenges

  • Write number sentences to go with the statements.
  • Answer the mass and weight problems.



We all have worries sometimes, and when you do it’s important to talk about it, just like Billy talked to his Grandma. Talk to someone at home about how you are feeling about coming back to school (or anything else that might be bothering you). There might be things that you are wondering about, and if you ask about it that can help to make you understand better. Is there anything you are wondering about? Think of a question you want to ask me about returning to school next and write it down.  There will be a chance to ask your questions in Friday’s Live. Or if you would rather not read it out, you can e- mail it to me and I will answer it that way.


When you are writing, remember the question words- What, When, Where, Who, Why, How.

His about which type of punctuation will you use.


Remember to bring your question to the Live Lesson on Friday.



Healthy choices

Talk Time.  Can you remember any ways to keep healthy?  Have you tried to be healthy this week?

Draw a picture of yourself and write the ways you keep healthy around you.

You could also think of an area that you would like to improve. 



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Tuesday 2nd March


Dear Owls,


Happy Tuesday!


Today's live lesson is maths again, so I will attached everything you need for the day.


This month's value is honesty - we will be exploring what this means next week.  What does honesty mean to you and your family?


Have a great day,


Mrs Sterjo



Make a list of all the things Billy is worried about. Now look closely at the pictures and see if you can think of some descriptive words and phrases for each picture.


For example: the shoes are marching like soldiers, taking me to somewhere new!


Choose 4 or 5 pictures and write a descriptive sentence for each and you will have created a little poem. (I do not want it to rhyme- focus on the descriptive vocabulary and images that you can create with words.)


Remember all the work on description we have already done.

Use wow words

Use your senses

Use similes- E.g. the bat was as black as night.

The owl swooped silently like a ghost.



Today we will continue to learn about length and height.  We will also be estimating the length and height of objects. Complete one or more of the following activities.  Start by choosing 3 household objects, estimate the length or height, then measure them using a ruler.

  1. Put your cars in order of length - see attached
  2. Measuring yourself using standard and non-standard measures.  Estimate how tall you are first. see attached
  3. How many steps? – See attached
  4. Racing cars – see attached


Extra challenges (Year 2)

  • Comparing lengths – see attached
  • Use the four number operations to solve these word problems – see attached


Afternoon activity

What is your biggest feeling about coming back to school? You might be excited, nervous, happy, sad or something else completely and all those feelings are totally normal. Sometimes you can feel many different emotions at the same time! Talk to someone at home about how you are feeling and why. Think together about what might help. You could draw a picture of yourself with bubbles around you to show how you are feeling.





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Monday 1st March


Happy St David's day!  This is our last week of home learning, so let's have a great one!


See you at 9.45am for maths,


Mrs Sterjo



This week you will be learning about how to measure using non-standard/ standard units. 

For your live lesson today you will need,

a toy that stands up

a pen/pencil

a book

a penny

some pasta or cubes that are the same length

a ruler


Following on from the live lesson, you will be measuring the length and height of different objects in your home using a range of resources.

  1. Height - Can you find two objects that are shorter than you and two than are taller.  Length - Repeat this activity and find things that are longer or shorter than a wooden spoon.
  2. Find 3 objects in your home and measure the length, using the same size Lego bricks or pasta.  Remember, our rules about measuring!
  3. Using a ruler or tape measure, find the cms.  Now pick 3 objects to measure the length of, then try measuring the height. 
  4. Measure the lengths using a ruler, then answer the questions at the end of the sheet. 
  5. Solve the ‘How Tall?’, activity


Extra challenges (Year 2)

  • Ordering lengths
  • mm, cm and m – conversions



Watch this clip to listen to the story of Silly Billy


Create a story map to help you remember the events. You don’t need to recall everything that Billy is worried about (unless you want to!)  See the attachments for an example. Write a sentence to explain what is happening in each part of the story.


St David's day activities

We will be thinking about returning to school on the 8th March during the afternoon sessions this week.  It will be different to ‘home school’ and might take us a little while to get back into school routines, but it will be lovely to see each other and be back ‘together again’.

Who are you looking forward to being ‘together again’ with at school? Draw a picture of you and the people you have chosen. You could write a sentence about why you like being with them too.


Today is St.David’s day (one of my favourite days!) You could have fun making a daffodil, a Welsh flag or some welsh cakes!


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Friday 26th February


Dear Owls,


It's Friday!  I hope you have enjoyed learning how to present your data this week?  I am sure you found out interesting facts about your favourite family foods (and the least favourites!).  It has been great to hear your exciting ideas about what is on the other side of your tunnels - some were a bit scary!


Have a great day!


Mrs Sterjo



Today, I would like you to write you own description of what the brother finds at the other end of the tunnel. You could use one of the ideas you thought of in Wednesday’s lesson or a new one. Show me what you have learned this week in our English lessons by giving clear descriptions using:


- different senses


-exclamation marks where needed



Today you will be answering questions about data, using the graphs to help you.

  1. Complete the Oak Academy activities.
  2. Play the Karate maths statistics game.  You will need to choose the statistics option, then choose from bronze, silver or gold levels.
  3. Answer the questions on the attached document. 

Answer the questions on the attached animal document.




Read the rest of The Tunnel to find out what happens in Anthony Browne’s version.

In ‘The Tunnel’ the boy is turned to stone as a statue. Pretend you have been turned to stone and find different poses you can create. Think about the shapes you can make with your arms and legs, and your torso and head. Maybe ask someone at home to take photos so you can see what you look like. When you have found your favourite position, make a statue showing this position, from materials around your house. These could be lego, bricks, paper, card, clay, junk modelling- anything you can find!


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Thursday 25th February


Dear Owls,


Today we will be having a live English lesson, so I have attached everything else you need for the day.  You have a new science lesson too!


Have a great day,


Mrs Sterjo



Following today’s live lesson, practise your use of ! by playing this game on the following website.



Today you will be representing data using tally charts and block diagrams to represent data. 

Begin by watching the Oak Academy lesson and work through the activities.

  1. Complete the Oak Academy activities.
  2. Create your own way to present the information, using the data from the attached documents.  



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Wednesday 23rd February


Dear Owls,


Have a great day and I will see you for our live English lesson tomorrow.  


Mrs Sterjo



Have fun today experimenting verbally with a variety of story endings. Think about how the story could end.  Talk with someone in your house about this. See if you can come up with 3 or 4 different versions.

Think about:

Where does the tunnel lead to?

Who does the brother meet?

What time period does he arrive in? (E.g. dinosaurs, Egyptian)

What does he find there?

Does he get back home?




Today you will be learning about block diagrams.

Begin by watching the following Oak Academy lesson on representing information using block diagrams.

Then complete one or more of the following activities.

  1. Complete the quiz on the Oak academy page.
  2. Create a block diagram based on the safari animals on the attached worksheet.
  3. Create your own block diagram.



Being healthy


Read the following statements and decide if it is healthy or unhealthy.

-eating lots of chocolate

-wearing lots of sun cream

-sitting down all day

-play outside

-eating 5 packets of crisps a day

-eating vegetables

-drinking fizzy drinks

-staying up late every night

-washing your hands after going to the toilet

-eating lots of sweets


There are lots of different ways to keep healthy.  Here are a few ideas,

-eating a balanced diet, including 5 healthy items

-get enough sleep

-exercise/ go outdoors every day

-keep clean by washing your hands and having regular baths or showers

-drinking enough water to keep hydrated


Can you create a poster on how to keep healthy?


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Tuesday 23rd February 


Dear Owls,


It was so lovely to see you for our live lesson yesterday.  Today we will be learning about tallying.  

In addition to the home learning for the day, I have also added the spelling grids for this term.  Please choose the correct year group for your child and then select the more or less word grid depending on your child's need.  


Have a great day,


Mrs Sterjo



Today you will be learning about how to present data using a tally chart.  Complete one or more of the following activities.

  1. Open the attached ‘Activity 1’ document and count each tally to find out how many are in each group.  
  2. Answer the questions based on the chart we created in the live lesson today.
  3. Create your own tally chart based on something you would like to find out, such as favourite meal, colour or sea creature. 
  4. Turn your tally chart into a table.
  5. Answer the following questions,
  • Which is the most popular?
  • Which is the least popular?
  • What is the difference between the most and least?

Can you create your own questions to answer?



This lesson has some good examples of description using the senses.


Use what you have learned to describe the tunnel. Use your senses to think about what it might be like to crawl through the tunnel. You could draw a picture to help you.

Think about:

How it looks

What is feels like

What it smells like

What it sounds like

What emotions might you be feeling?

Try to write down what you have been talking or thinking about.

Try to include:

Words to give a clear description ( e.g.  ‘the dark, spooky tunnel that smells of…’  gives more of a picture than ‘the dark tunnel’).



Extended sentences using connectives such as ‘and, so because’.



Some of the people we will learn about this term are very concerned about the environment. Have a look around your local area and see if you can spot things that help look after the environment (electric cars, recycling, people walking or cycling instead of using their car) and things that are not so good for the environment (litter, exhaust fumes, throwing things away unnecessarily) .

Here is the 'duck festival' picture we were looking at in our maths lesson today. How many ducks do you think there are?


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Monday 22nd February


Dear Owls,


I am looking forward to seeing you for our live lesson today.  I hope you have had a great half term?


Today's live lesson is maths, so I have uploaded the English, phonics and afternoon activities too.


In English this term we will be learning all about the author Anthony Browne. 


See you at 9.45am.


Mrs Sterjo



LO: I can give opinions about a text, and find evidence to support my answer.

Read to the page where boy goes into the Tunnel.

Talk about the children.

What is the girl like? Think of 5 words to describe her? Can you find words in the text that show or tell you about her personality?  Do the same for the boy.  Now focus on what the children think of each other. How can you tell? Find words in the text that tell you. I wonder why they aren’t called by their names, just ‘brother’ and ‘sister’. What does that say about them? Complete the grid with your thoughts.



This week you will be learning about how to present data in different ways.  Following on from the live lesson, you will be creating your own pictograms and answering questions about the information you have collected.

  1. Complete the questions based on the alien pictogram we created together. (see attached – named Task 2)
  2. Pick a subject to find information on - this could be favourite animals, foods or hobbies. Then create your own pictogram by asking family members or friends (this could be over the phone) and complete activity 3.
  3. Turn your pictogram into a chart.
  4. Answer the following questions,
  • Which is the most popular?
  • Which is the least popular?
  • What is the difference between the most and least?

Can you create your own questions to answer?



Anthony Browne uses his stories to send messages. Read some of his books and see if you can spot them.

We will be learning about some famous people who have messages for us too. What message would you like to give the world?

Phonics Alternative i

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Friday 12th February


Dear Owls,


You have been brilliant this term - please take a look on the class gallery to see all the super star work you have sent to me.  I have been so impressed!


Today we will be learning about Chinese New Year - I have attached the learning grid to the class page where there are lots of activities to choose from, so have fun!


Have a great half term,


Mrs Sterjo



Today you will be using your knowledge of fractions to solve word problems.  

  1. Play the Karate maths fractions game
  2. Answer the questions on the attached document.  Remember to look for the important parts of the question, then work out what it is asking you to do. 
  3. Answer the questions on the attached document.  Remember to look for the important parts of the question, then work out what it is asking you to do. 
  4. Answer the questions on the attached sheet.


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Lion Dance.avi

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Dragon Dance.avi

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Thursday 11th February


Dear Owls,


Today's live lesson will be English, so I will add the rest of your activities for today.  Also, today you have another science video from Miss Gardner!


It is Valentine's day on the 14th February, so you could make someone you love a card. 


Have a happy day!


Mrs Sterjo



Congratulations on finishing your reports!  Today I would like you to think about another way of presenting it.  This could be recording yourself reading your report, making a poster, talking over a Blue Planet episode or any other way you like!  Have fun today, you have worked hard this week!



Today you will be using your knowledge of fractions to continue exploring fractions of a quantity.

Begin by watching the Oak Academy lesson,

  1. Take a piece of paper and find half, then find quarters.  Now can you count out the following amounts of objects.  Find half and quarters. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.
  2. Find halves and quarters of the amounts on the sheet attached.  Use counters to help you.
  3. Answer the questions on the attached sheet.

Complete the halves and quarters maze – you can use counters. Lego pieces or pasta to help you.




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Still image for this video

Wednesday 10th February


Good morning Owls,


I hope you enjoyed finding fractions of shapes yesterday?  Make sure you are making the most of any opportunity to find a fraction of a whole, particularly when you are eating!


I have loved reading the reports you are sending in.  I am going to send each of you some feedback, just like we would have at school, so that you know what to work on next.  I will try to read them as soon as possible but I might have to do some over the holidays too, so don't worry if I haven't emailed you back yet!


Have a great day.


Mrs Sterjo



Today, it is your turn to be the teacher! I would like you  to read your fact page, and think about what you think is good about it, and what you might make better next time. I would like you to use the 3 stars and a wish idea. Find 3 things that you have done well and 1 thing to work on. I will do the same when I read your fact page. I wonder if we will pick the same things!

Once you have done this, you could find a coloured pencil and put a little star by the things you have done well, and change the parts that you aren’t happy with or have forgotten.



Today you will be finding fractions of quantities. 

Begin by watching the following Oak Academy lesson on fractions.

Then complete one or more of the following activities.

  1. Count out different numbers of pasta pieces, Smarties or grapes, then practise finding halves and quarters of each amount.
  2. Complete the Mathletics activities on fractions.
  3. Finding halves and quarters of quantities.
  4. Pirate activity, ‘Find a Third’

Please note, you do not have to print these out, you can find the total, then count the objects using your own resources.



This term we have been thinking about our ‘Hopes and Dreams’. We have set ourselves challenges, and persevered when things got tricky, and now we have improved and got nearer to reaching the goal. Fantastic work! Today we are thinking about how success feels and how it can motivate us to keep on trying. I would like you to think about the things you have improved on or learned recently. Imagine you have a treasure chest inside you, so you can keep all your successes inside. If you can do this, it will help you to have the courage to keep on trying when something is tricky.

So today I would like you to make yourself a treasure chest, and fill it with your successes written on small pieces of paper.

Here are some examples:

‘I have tried hard to be kind every day this week.’

 ‘I have slept in my bed all night for two weeks.’

‘I have learned my number bonds to 10.’

‘I have tried hard to keep my handwriting neat.’

‘I have played really nicely with my siblings.’

Wednesday phonics

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Smartie the Penguin story - Internet Safety Day

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(For Owls, Bats, Hedgehogs and Robins!)

Tuesday 9th February


Dear Owls,


Today's live lesson is maths, so I will upload the work for English and phonics.  The afternoon activity is based on internet safety, which is very important to be aware of when you are going online, using a device or the internet.  


Have a great day and I hope you manage to get outside.  I have also added a PE grid with ideas on how to keep fit and healthy during lock down!


See you at 9.45am.


Mrs Sterjo



Today you will be finding fractions of shapes.

Following today’s live lesson, choose one, two or more activities from below.

Begin by watching the BBC bitesize to recap what we covered in the lesson.

  1. Using a range of foods including, a slice of bread, an apple, a piece of cheese, a cake etc, practise finding halves and quarters.  Can you draw them in your book and colour in half or a quarter?
  2. Continue using a slice of bread to find out how many ways you can find half. 
  3. Colour in the shapes to show half.  You can draw the shapes if you don’t want to print.  (see attached)
  4. Colour in the shapes to find quarters.  As above you can draw the shapes if you don’t want to print.  (see attached)

Shade in the areas including halves, quarters and thirds.



I would like you to use today to continue working on your fact page so it is finished. Make sure you have added a picture and caption about your chosen animal.

Once your fact page is finished please ask someone at home to take a photo and send it to me, so that I can read your wonderful work! I will give you some feedback and next steps on it by Monday 22nd February.


Internet Safety

Internet safety is a very important topic to talk about with your child, especially at the moment! Please watch videos 1 and 2 with your child, and talk through what is happening in the story.  Please discuss how important it is for the children to come to a trusted adult if they come across something that worries or upsets them.


I would like you to design a poster to remind other children how to keep safe online. I would love you to send me your posters once they are finished so I can put them in our class gallery.

- Remember posters have:

- Bright and eye- catching pictures

- Short captions to give your message

- A title



Tues phonics

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Monday 8th February


Dear Owls, 


I hope you had a good weekend and that Benjy enjoyed his birthday lunch?!


Today's live lesson is maths, so I will upload the rest of your work for today.


Let's have a brilliant week before a restful half term!


See you at 9.45am, 


Mrs Sterjo



Hot write

Today you will be using everything we have been learning about non-chronological reports, to write your own!

I would like you to have a go at writing your fact page about the animal you researched last week.  Use the text map that you changed last week as a prompt, we had a go at doing this in Friday’s Live Lesson. Remember we used the words from the Wolves texts, but changed it slightly to fit our animal, the dolphin. If you are feeling confident you can make more changes or add extra details but remember to stick to the rules of non- fiction texts.

For example:


Have you ever wondered about the lives of dolphins? They live in pods (10-15 dolphins) in oceans and rivers.


Dolphins grow to be 6m long. Dolphins have a blow hole on their backs so they can breathe. Additionally, they like to jump out of the water and play.

 I would like you to do this as independently as you can, because that is what we would do at school, but if it does get tricky asking for help is of course, fine. Please do not write out sentences for your child to copy, they need to be using their phonics to sounds out words and applying spellings that they know. 

Try to remember :

  • To include the important parts of a non- fiction text ( facts, technical words, headings, sub- headings, pictures with a caption)
  • To use your phonics
  • To use smart handwriting
  • To use punctuation
  • To use finger spaces
  • To use wow words

You will have time tomorrow to continue this, so please take your time and do your best work.

Parents: When supporting the children at school we ask questions to prompt their thinking such as:

What is the first part you can remember?

What do you think comes next?

What is the next sub heading?

Or we might prompt with the beginning of a sentence and allow the child to finish it.



Following on from last week’s shape lessons, today you will be exploring lines of symmetry.

Watch the BBC bitesize clip online again, then complete one or more of the activities below.

  1. Create a symmetrical butterfly with paints and a folded piece of paper. You could follow the clip to help you.

Find the lines of symmetry in simple shapes such as a square, rectangle, circle and triangle.  You could do this by cutting out the shapes and folding them in half.

  1. Complete the lines of symmetry (see attached)
  2. Lines of symmetry investigation (see attached)


Afternoon activity

Get creative! Using items you have at home, I would like you to design and create a habitat for the animal that you have researched.

Think about what the animal might need to survive:



Shelter (somewhere to sleep or hide)




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Create your own habitat ideas

Friday 5th February


Dear Owls,


Following our discussion yesterday, I hope you managed to do something kind for your family, friend or neighbour? 

Today we will be having a live English lesson, so I will attach the maths, phonics, afternoon activity and story.


I look forward to seeing you at 9.45am for our live lesson.


Have a great day,


Mrs Sterjo



Today you will be describing position, directions and movements, including half, quarter and three-quarter turns.

Today you will be finding more about 3D shapes.

Following today’s live lesson, choose one or two or more activities from below.

  1. Watch, ‘Describing the position of an object’.

  1. Using the language of rotation.  Watch the clip, complete the activities.  You could also complete the additional rotation activities below.

-Prepositions worksheet – you could extend this using your toys

-Explore the following ‘Turning Man’ resource -

-Rotating shapes (see attached)



Following on from the Live Lesson, I would like you to use your text map, and stick post it notes or small pieces of paper over the parts you want to change and draw a picture to show what you have changed.

For example, you might change the wolf to a dolphin, so you would draw a picture of a dolphin on a post- it note and then stick it on top of all the wolf pictures in the text map.

Once you have finished, talk through your new text with actions to help you remember.



Remember you should be reading EVERY DAY!  This will ensure that you are super readers when you return to school.  You can read picture books, magazines or Oxford Owls online books.



LO: To explore Jesus’ teaching ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’.


Talk about what the phrases ‘do to others as you would have them do to you’ means.


Think about how you like to be treated. Make a list of how you you would like other people to treat you.

For example:

Listen to me

Be kind to me

Be gentle towards me (not hurt me)

Have fun with me


Now think, is this how I treat others? If it is great- but are there other things you can do to be an even better person. If it is tricky for you think about a way you could remind yourself about treating others how you would like to be treated.

Make up  story (spoken) about a child who loses their favourite toy. Have two different endings to the story. One, which reflects Jesus’ teaching to ‘do to others as you would have them do to you’ and the other where Jesus’ teaching has been ignored.

What do you think of each ending? If you were in the story which ending would you prefer?




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Thursday 4th February


Dear Owls,


I hope you have enjoyed learning about shapes this week?  How many shapes do you know now?


Today we will be having a live English lesson, so I will attach the maths, science and phonics.


Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you at 9.45am.


Mrs Sterjo



Today you will be using your knowledge of shapes to explore patterns.

Begin by watching the Oak Academy lesson on pattern.  Then choose one, two or more activities from below.

  1. Look for patterns in your home.  Do you have any clothes that have a pattern?
  2. Create a pattern using Lego pieces or blocks.
  3. Complete the Oak Academy shape task.
  4. Find out what tessellation means and complete the attached investigation. Watch

You could also try using the following resource to investigate tessellating shapes.




I would like you to talk through the text map (see what you can remember!) Then, write or draw the main parts of each section into a grid like we did in the Live Lesson. This is to help you remember the key parts of the text. I am not expecting you to write the whole text out.

You could also complete a grid for your new animal. See which if your facts fit into each box.


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Wednesday 3rd February


Dear Owls,


How are you getting on with our shape topic?  Can you explain what vertices, edges and faces are?  

Today I will be uploading the maths, English and afternoon activities.  Also, are you keeping up your reading?  If not, make sure you do some today!


Have a great day,


Mrs Sterjo



Today you will be sorting and classifying shapes.

Begin by watching the following,

Complete the activities and then choose any additional activities from below.

  1.  Find a range of shapes around the house and then sort them into different categories.  You could try colour, number of sides, 2d or 3d etc
  2. Use the carroll diagram to sort the 2d shapes.
  3. Activity 3 shape sort (see attached)



Today is time to experiment with some sentences that you might decide to use for your new fact page next week.

For example, you might start with:

The cat has fur.    You might add an adjective and make this:

The cat has soft fur.    To add more detail you might change it to:

The black cat has soft, shiny fur.

What about adding a conjunction? and, because or so

If you want to, you could talk through your ideas and then just write the final choice.

Before you start, you could create a list of adjectives and other words you might use to describe your animal. Maybe you could use a thesaurus to help you find some ‘wow’ words. See if you can remember how to find words that are in alphabetical order.

If you would like to, you can improve my sentences, or use them as a starting point.

The cat has fur.                               Polar bears have coats.

The lion has a mane.                       Cheetahs can run.



Listen to Mrs Stewart reading, 'Pauli’s story'

Talk about how Pauli feels at different points in the story.

How can we help each other when we find things difficult?

How can we help each other to reach our goals.

How does it feel to overcome obstacles and reach our goals?

Can you think of a time when you found something difficult and you kept going? How did it feel?

Phonics Weds

Still image for this video

Mrs Stewart's Jigsaw Story

Still image for this video

Tuesday 2nd February


Hello Owls!


Today we will be having a live maths lesson where we will continue to explore shapes.


Maths - live lesson

Today you will be identifying the properties of 2s and 3d shapes.

Following today’s live lesson, choose one, two or more activities from below.

Begin by watching the BBC bitesize clips to recap what we covered in the lesson.

  1. Create a 2d shape picture and label the shapes.
  2. Label the shapes worksheet (see attached)
  3. Make 3d nets (see attached) and talk about the properties.
  4. Guess my 3d shape (see attached)



Talk through the Wolf Text using the text map to remind yourself of it. Do the actions to help you. Next week you will be writing a fact page about a different animal, using our text as ‘skeleton’ to hang your ideas on. I will tell you more about this on Thursday.

Today, I would like you to choose a new animal to research. Start by looking at different animals.  Which is your favourite and why?  Which animal would you like to learn more about and why?  Are you already very knowledgeable about an animal and would like to share your facts with me?  By the end of this session, you should have chosen your animal.

You will be writing your own fact page like our wolf one next week so you will need facts about them that fit the sub- headings of ‘appearance’ diet’ and ‘interesting fact’.

Remember all the skills that you practised before- finding the key information, looking for technical words, reading captions to explain pictures.



Time to continue making your puppet! Finish off the sewing you started, making sure you tie a big knot at the end to keep it together.  Now you can decorate it using the items you have collected up. They could be buttons, beads, wool, fabric, sequins, pasta, rice etc whatever you can find.


If you have finished your puppets, watch this clip that uses beautiful puppets on strings.


Still image for this video

Monday 1st February


Dear Owls,


Happy 1st day of February!  This week is mental health week, which means that you need to be kind and look after yourselves.  Our school value this month is thoughtfulness, so I will be adding activities for you to try linked to this theme.  You can also look on the whole school well-being section on our website.


Let's have a very happy week!


Mrs Sterjo



Today we will be having a live maths lesson, so I have uploaded the resources you will need for your activities.



We are returning to our non-chronological report about Wolves now for the rest of the term.

Have a think about these questions:

Is non- fiction imaginary (made up) or factual (true facts)? (factual)

Which kinds of words would you expect to read in a non- fiction text? (technical, precise, scientific)

Can you remember the features of the text?  (factual writing, headings, sub headings, captions with pictures, technical words, explanations)

Can you explain what is special about a paragraph? (it is a number of sentences about the same topic)

It is your turn to be the teacher today! I would like you to read this piece of work and spot the good parts about it, and find the parts that are not quite right and improve them. Maybe you could highlight in 2 different colours- 1 for good, 1 for needs to be improved. Then you can change the parts that need to be improved and make them better.



Follow the link and choose a Cosmic Kids yoga session.  The one I have chosen is Sonic the Hedgehog but there are lots of different ones.

I have also attached a kindness calendar that you could complete with your families.



I would like you to watch this clip to learn about food chains.

Play food chain game (attached)

 Get outside to explore and enjoy being outside, looking carefully, with the magnifying glass, for parts of food chains (nibbled leaves, bird with worm in beak etc). Draw little sketches of what you find and to take photographs. Have a think about a food chain that might be in your garden, using what you have seen. For example if you spot a worm, think where it might fit in a food chain. What does it eat, and what eats it? Where might a wolf be in a food chain?

Extra challenge: Have a think about what happens at the end of a food chain, to the predator? Think about a food chain being more like a circle than a straight line. (When predators die, their bodies turn into food for the creatures at the beginning of the food chain).

Mon Phonics

Still image for this video


Dance and movement activity

Friday 29th January


Dear Owls,


I hope you have enjoyed music week?  I have loved all the work you have been sending in and I will be adding it to the class pages.  You are all stars!


Today I will be asking you to create your own firebird using a range of resources.  You could use the link below for some ideas.



Sort the Street problem (see attached)


Games day

Ask a grown up to teach you a card game.

You could also play




-Connect Four


Or any other game you would like to play!  Have fun!



Game – play phonics play, Dragon’s Den game


Investigation (see attached)



I have added a different story of The Firebird to the class.  



Firebird story

Still image for this video

Youth orchestra clip


What is a conductor clip.


Full orchestral performance


Listen to the orchestra, each section.

Thursday 28th January


Dear Owls,


Thank you to those children who have sent me their work already!  I am so impressed with what you have been doing - well done!


Have a great day,


Mrs Sterjo


Music activity

Today I would like you to find out about the instruments in an orchestra. 

Pick one instrument or more to draw and write about.  

Think about the following,

-which musical family it belongs to

-how the sound is made

-where the instrument comes from

-you could watch a clip of the instrument being played


Extra activity

Do you have a musical instrument at home?  Could you learn to play a new tune on it?

If you don't, then why not sing a song.

You could record yourself and send me the video.  (if you send the video I will put on our class gallery)



Dragons and Swans game



Game – play phonics play, Picnic on Pluto game



See attached


Wednesday 27th January

Good morning,


Today you will be researching Igor Stravinsky or Russia – or both!  I would like you to create a fact file about the composer or where he was born.

Think about including the following,

For Igor Stravinsky

-Where he was born

-Where he lived

-Why he was famous

-Interesting facts



For Russia

Find out about

-traditional foods


-who is in charge?

-interesting facts




I am looking forward to hearing about your research!


Have a good day,


Mrs Sterjo



Three Ball Line Up challenge



Game – play phonics play, Sentence Substitution game



Tuesday 26th January


Hello Owls,


Family activity

Go on You Tube, find your CD, record or MP3 player and share your favourite songs.  Have fun!


Today you will be learning about the story of The Firebird and you will be creating your own story map.

Watch the following clips to help you to learn about the story.


Have a great day,


Mrs Sterjo



Game – play phonics play, Pick a Picture game


Investigation – ir, er, ur

See attached



See attached Beads and Bags challenge

Monday 25th January 


Dear Owls,

Welcome to music week!  This week we are going to be exploring a piece of music by Igor Stravinsky.


By Friday I would like you to email me your best piece of work from the week.


After the live lesson today, I would like you to complete the following activity,

Watch the launch video and listen to the piece of music again. 

Before you start drawing answer following questions – you do not need to write the answers, just talk them through.

-What instruments can you hear?

-How does it make you feel?

-Does this remind you of a firebird?  How?

-Does the music stay the same?  How does it change?


Draw a music map/ graphic score to show how it makes you feel.  Take your time to listen to the piece at least once, so that you can add to your music map.

Can you add any words to describe it?  


Launch video -

Full piece -



See problem attached



Choose one of the following activities,


Game – play phonics play, Buried Treasure game


Investigation – Homophones


Still image for this video

Science video

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Wednesday EAR

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AIR phonics

Still image for this video

AIR phonics clip

Tricky Word Monday

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Trick word wordsearch

AW Phonics

Still image for this video

'Here We Are' story time

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

PH phonics Not a word search! Roll and read


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er alternative.mp4

Still image for this video

u sound.mp4

Still image for this video

Friday 8.1.21.mp4

Still image for this video

Black Rock Story.mp4

Still image for this video

Thurs 7.1.21.mp4

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Look at our work from last term! We made gingerbread people in our Jigsaw sessions, penguin art, pirate maps and had great fun using the equipment in PE!

Home learning due to Covid-19 isolation


If your child is isolating at any point, please refer to the class' current home learning grids and spelling lists below for home learning tasks. In addition, your child should log in to Mathletics and complete the tasks they have set on there. They should also be reading and discussing what they have read with an adult on a daily basis.

Outdoor day- Friday 6th November 2020


We have had a super day today. Below are some photos of our day. We have explored Forest School, completed a scavenger hunt, planted bulbs in our allotment, created art with leaves and built our scarecrow too!


Please see below for past home learning grids / activities / resources.

The Owls have had a fantastic start to the term and have had a very happy week.  Well done Owls!


I have attached the new topic grid, home learning grid and newsletter.


If you have any questions, please ask me on the gate after school or email the office.



Dear Owls,


I hope you enjoyed your transition days?  It was so lovely to meet the new Year Ones and introduce the Year Twos to their new class.  I know we are going to have a fantastic year!


Have a super summer and I look forward to seeing you in September. 



Mrs Sterjo


For parents,


I have attached a home learning grid with lots of activities to support your child at home over the holidays.  I understand that it has been a long term and everyone's circumstances have been different, so just do what you can.  We have tried to make the activities practical and fun.  As discussed in the meeting, a 'drip feeding' approach with little and often, is much better than cramming it all in the night before we start back!


I have also attached the notes from the transition meeting.


Thank you for your support.



Welcome to our wonderful school!