
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

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Well done to our HEDGEHOG SUPER STAR READERS who have read an Oxford Owl book. Thank you Mums and Dads for helping with that. New books are assigned each week, to match the phonics taught. Please ask for help if you can't login.

What do you do when it rains all day in July? We build dens and shelters!

Beach Party

Forest School - helping each other, teamwork, dens, worms and fairy houses this week!

Early Years Olympics

On the last day of term we celebrated our hard work with a picnic and a campfire to toast marshmallows. We tried some new fruits too - melon and apricots (not bad!).

STEM WEEK Fire Engine Visit part 1: learning about being a Fire Fighter.

Fire Engine Visit: part 2 - learning some very useful skills!

Fire Engine Visit: part 3 - we just had to!

Writing independently.... have a look at this week's independent writing attempts. We are aiming to be able to spell phonetically and be able to write clearer letter shapes now.

Have a look at this week's book, below - ELS book. Find it by using your log in from your home learning book.

Early Years Curriculum Presentation, Sep 2022

Little City was amazing! The children loved it!! We all had such an exciting morning exploring all the different roles. The behaviour of all the Hedgehogs was oustanding, they shared and negotiated really well, they were polite and helpful and even tidied up at the end with huge smiles and good natured enthusiasm. I was really proud of them all.

This term we are securing our knowledge of the number sequence to 20. We played 'Number Jumble' in the garden to order numbers from 0 to 20.

We had a super day today, taking our learning outside for Outdoor Learning Day. Now, as you know, we are outside every day, but today was different. We all went out together and had a big job to do. We were planting. Mrs Brown had saved us some sunflower seeds from her flowers in her garden, last summer. We all planted one in a pot and labelled it with our name. We had to think about where to leave the pots to help them grow best. We can't wait to see them sprout! Ethan found a spider and watched it spin a web.... wow, we think spiders are amazing!!

Another busy week in Hedgehogs class.  We've been working so hard on our 'mean teen' numbers, breaking them into the part, part, whole model.  In English, our story telling of 'Jacob O'Reilly wants a pet' is improving.  We also wrote about what pets we would like and a cheetah was very popular!  It was great fun making animal prints in clay, planning our ideas and thinking about the steps to get the best results!  We also compared the similarities and differences.


Evil Pea leaves Vegetables in Peril! The children arrived this week to find that Evil Pea had snuck into Hedgehogs. They went on the hunt and made psoters and signs to warn eveyone to look out.... there's an Evil Pea about!

Storytellers: we have set up a story shelf in Hedgehogs class, where children are invited to make up a story of their own or to use books, props and other resources to re-tell a familiar story.

The Sleepy Shepherd

We visited the church this afternoon, to see the beautiful trees at The Christmas Tree Festival, it was magical. The walk there and back was pretty special too! What a busy day.12.12.22

And then there was snow!! The Hedgehogs and Robins children loved playing outside in the snow today. 12.12.22

Christmas has arrived..... busy, busy, busy!

Shape pictures using 2-d shapes

Measuring Polar Bears! Darcy told us that polar bears are ten feet tall. We wanted to know if this was true, so we fact checked the hypothesis using our class library and the i-pad. We found out they can indeed be between 8 to 11 feet tall! We wanted to see how tall this is for ourselves, so we went about measuring out 10 feet on the classroom floor. This involved some very scientific measuring, counting, recording and checking. Darcy lay down to see how tall she was, compared to a polar bear. Perhaps we have inspired some future polar explorers?!

Maths - we have explored simple patterns, counted everything and learnt to order three items, using the language of 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The children tried this out for themselves using chairs in a line - they loved using these new words!

We have been busy this term making things with paper. We have made poppies with Mrs Brown to hang in The Granary cafe in Watlington. These are for Remebrance Day.

It has been a week of watching the boys explore writing and mark-making! They love it!

Today we walked to the allotment with Robins class, we saw a GIANT pumpkin!

Sewing! Mrs Brown showed the children how to cut a pattern and use it to make costumes for the Three Bears. She even brought in her sewing machine so the children could learn how to stitch peices of fabric together. The children measured, drew, cut, discussed, compared, watched and wondered!

Welcome to Hedgehogs Class, here are a few of the things we have been getting up to........

Jumping in muddy puddles!

Welcome to our wonderful school!