Welcome to Foxes Class Page
Here you will find important information about our learning and updates as to what we have been doing in class.
Please find links to our latest topic web and homework grid below.
Van Gogh Inspired Artwork 🌻
Zoolab Visit
The children loved our Zoolab visit this week, it was great for them to learn more about rainforest animals and get to handle some of these amazing species.
DT Day 🐸
We had such a great day dedicated to DT on Monday. After thinking carefully about the steps involved in making our felt frogs, we considered what we would need to do to make sure our design was successful. Once we’d made the frogs, we carried out an evaluation and made suggestions on how improve next time. I have to say, I was very impressed with the children's sewing skills; they all looked brilliant. Well done, Foxes!
Science Investigation 🌿
We planted some seeds in a variety of conditions to investigate what plants need in order to grow. Some the class have placed their plants in the dark whilst others are investigating if seeds will grow if they have limited space. We will keep you posted on the results!
Rainforest Home Learning
Cross Country Run
We’ve had a fantastic day today, which started this morning with a whole school running event. Well done Foxes, you all did really well and many of you showed great sportsmanship by encouraging each other to keep going. Congratulations to our winners Georgia, Mikey and Oskar!
The Living Rainforest 🦋
Science 🌿
We started our new Science topic by looking closely at plants and learning the function of each part.
Term 5
In the Foxes, we are working hard to learn our times tables. We thought the children would enjoy learning their times tables through songs. Look at the links below!
This term in our art lessons we have been: developing our drawing technique, looking at the work of artist Henri Rousseau and exploring techniques to create different shades of colour. See some examples of the beautiful sketchbook work that has been created below.
In English, we have been learning our new text, The Great Kapok Tree. We have created actions to help us memorise the text and identified the features of a losing story. These pictures show us retelling the story through freeze frames.
Coronation Celebration 🇬🇧
A fun day on Friday celebrating the Coronation of King Charles.
This term in computing we have been learning about animation. We began by looking at moving images and creating flip books with post it notes. The following week the children created some fantastic and funny animations using the Stop Motion App on the IPads!
Rainforest Poetry 🌿
Egyptian Morning
To end our Egyptian Topic we had a fun morning of activities, we made some Egyptian Jewellery, learnt a dance and created some sunset silhouette artwork.
Earlier this week the children planned and carried out their own investigations using paper helicopters. They had to think carefully about what variables would stay the same and which would change, and how to ensure it was a fair test. Some groups tested whether weight impacted the amount of time the helicopter was in the air, whilst others considered the impact of the helicopters size and shape.
Outdoor Learning Day 🌿
World Book Day 2023
The Foxes really enjoyed their visit to St Leonard's Church today to learn about Christian pilgrimage. Reverend Daniel spoke to us about how the actual journey is more important than the destination. We then had a tour of important parts of the churchyard, finishing with a talk about who St Leonard was.
Ask your children about this - they should be able to tell you all about him!
Term 4 Week 1
Welcome to term 4. It has been a great first week back. The children were fantastic during their first swimming session, Mrs Garrod and I were really proud of how well they all did!
In English, we have began our new unit of writing on newspaper reports. Over the coming weeks we will look at the features of newspapers and how they are written.
Our new maths topic is length and perimeter, we began the week by looking at different units of measurement and then started to measure various items in the classroom.
This week in computing we discussed the importance of keeping safe online, we then had fun using the iPads.
Dress To Express
Mental Health Week
What a wonderful last week! This week has been mental health week, we spent some time considering the differences between mental and physical health, we also discussed the people and activities in our lives that can help us to feel our best.
Term 3 Week 5
In topic over the past few weeks we have been researching the River Nile and Egyptian Gods and their importance. We create some posters to show the various aspects of life in Egypt that depended on the river and made comparisons between some of different Gods and Goddesses.
Term 3 Week 3 and 4
We have had a busy few weeks of learning. In English, we have started to ‘innovate’ our adventure stories, where we make changes to the original text. We have focused on setting description through the use of personification, sentences of three and using the weather and time to add description. The children have created some brilliant examples!
We have covered multiplication using the grid method and division using a number line, in our maths lessons. We have also focused on fact families, and related number facts to help solve basic arithmetic equations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Term 3 Week 1 and 2
Welcome back, it has been a great first few weeks back into school. I hope you all had a wonderful and restful break. A very big thank you from myself and Mrs Garrod for your kind and generous Christmas gifts, we really did appreciate them.
Please find links for our new topic web and home learning grid above. As always, if you have any questions please get in contact. It's been great to see some lovely pieces of home learning in books already.
Our new topic began with a bang during the first week, when I was transported back to Ancient Egypt. Obviously, my first thought was to contact the Foxes Class and luckily with the children's help I made it back into the classroom safely!
In English, we started our new unit of work by writing a story where a character travels back in time. The children came up with a variety of potential eras and portal objects that could be used in their writing.
We have since been learning our story map 'The Time-slip Scarab'. The children have done a brilliant job of reciting the story with actions, we even created some freeze frames to aid us in memorising and understanding the structure of the story.
Last week, we had a coach from All Stars Cricket join us for a cricket lesson. We had lots of fun learning new skills and techniques. In PE this term, our lessons will be on netball and circuit training; I’ve been really impressed by the children's passing skills during our netball lessons so far.
Happy New Year
Term 2 Week 5 and 6
In P.E we’ve been practicing our football and gymnastics skills. The children were fantastic at performing headstands and cartwheels, as well as creating their own rhythmic routines to share with the class.
We’ve been enjoying advent by opening our connection calendar each afternoon and enjoying an activity as a class. We’ve also been sharing our wonderful wishes for the world.
Term 2 Week 4
This week in topic we used the iPads to research the similarities and differences between the Uk and Antarctica. We looked at the climate, population, weather and physical features of each location.
We completed our unit on poetry at the beginning of the week. The children wrote up their Antarctic themed poetry, which include some fantastic rhyming couplets and exciting vocabulary!
We’ve now started a new unit of writing looking at non-chronological reports. We have looked at the features and discussed the audience, purpose and perspective of information texts. On Friday, we had fun creating actions to our model text.
Home Learning
The Foxes have been bringing in lots of lovely pieces of home learning.
Term 2 Week 2 & 3
Another busy few weeks of learning in Foxes Class!
In maths we have been focusing on multiplication and division. We have been looking at the use of various strategies for working out division questions, such as, sorting into groups, arrays, bar models and number lines. We ended the week by apply our multiplication knowledge in a fun game!
In our art lessons we have been looking at still life drawings. We began by using careful observational skills to draw objects accurately, we went on to explore the use of shading techniques to apply tone to our sketches.
In both our assemblies and Jigsaw lessons we have been focusing on Anti-Bullying week. We discussed what bullying is and how it can make people feel. The children designed some ‘Reach Out’ posters, encouraging others to stop bullying or to gain support if they need it.
Alongside this, we have been celebrating kindness week together, thinking about the importance of kindness and how we are able to express kindness to ourselves and others.
Term 2 Week 1
We have had a brilliant first week back in class, the lovely Foxes have been focused and had a wonderful attitude to learning.
Religious Education
This term we are looking at festivals and celebrations around the world. We began the unit by discussing different celebrations and the ones that we enjoy with our friends and families.
Remembrance Day
We are beginning our reflection on Remembrance Day by working with the local community to create a poppy display in The Granary. With the help of Mrs Garrod, all the Foxes made their paper poppies earlier in the week ready for the whole school display.
We have started the term with a focus on multiplication. We began the week by sorting manipulatives into equal groups to represent multiplications, and then focused on our 3, 4, and 8 times tables.
We have begun our new unit on poetry. In class we have been looking at some of the key features of poetry and practicing reading poetry aloud with rhythm, rhyme and expression. The class did a wonderful job of performing The Penguin, with actions to one another, please see the Story Map link above for children to continue to practice this poem at home.
Autumn wreath artwork inspired by items collected on our autumn walk.