Acer Trust
Watlington Primary School is a member of the Acer Trust. The key principles and ethos are shared below.
Acer Trust Charter
The Acer Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust founded on collaborative partnership. We believe that, by working together with a common collective purpose of improving learning for all, we can ensure a better education for all the learners in our Trust.
The Charter states our founding principles and will ensure that the Trust remains true to those principles as it grows over time.
Our charter has two fundamental purposes:
1. The first is to protect the founding ethos of the Trust. The Acer Trust was created by schools which believe that a true partnership is one in which all Trust schools have a voice in the running of the Trust and a responsibility for contributing to the improvement of all Trust schools and their communities. We have founded the Trust on values and principles which, we believe, will form the basis of a successful, long-term partnership.
2. The second looks forward. The Charter provides the basis from which we demonstrate our commitment to an educational partnership. The challenge for our Trust is to demonstrate that a MAT motivated by partnership and self-improvement through support and challenge, and which recognises the individuality of all partner schools, can flourish.
Acer Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England and Wales.
Company NO 09591931
Registered Office:
Matthew Arnold School,
Arnolds Way,
Links to Acer Trust Governance and Financial Information
Contact Details:
Chair of Trustees
Ms Jill Cottee
c/o Matthew Arnold School
Arnolds Way
01865 862232
Acer Trust Administrator
Mrs Nicky Hills
Tel: 01865 862232