
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

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Car Parking Rules and Guidelines

Car Parking Rules and Guidelines

These guidelines have been produced to help ensure the safety of all visitors, parents, children, and staff at Watlington Primary School and we are grateful for your full cooperation. This document forms part of the risk assessment for the safety of everyone entering or leaving the school site. Parents and carers are reminded that they are responsible for their children in the car park and they should be closely supervised at all times.


* A 5 mile per hour speed limit applies throughout our site.


* All drivers must exercise due care and attention when driving and manoeuvring in the car park.


* All Parents and carers are encouraged, where possible, to walk their children to school.


* Pedestrians entering our site must use the allocated pedestrian route as marked in red on the attached plan. Pedestrians are to keep to the pathway and not walk across the car park area.


* Parents and carers must only park in the parent’s car park.


* The two disabled bays are only to be used by registered disabled badge holders.


* There is to be no parking on designated walk ways or double yellow lines.


* Access for emergency vehicles must be maintained at all time.


* Users of the school car park do so at their own risk. Watlington Primary School will not accept responsibility for damage, accident or loss to vehicles or contents.


* Parents and carers are requested to use the parent’s car park area and drop off zone responsibly. The drop off zone as marked on the attached plan is not to be blocked with parked cars. The drop off zone is designed to enable the free flow of traffic.


* Parents and Carers are not to drive beyond the first set of wooden gates. This area is for staff parking, deliveries, or taxi drop off and pick up only.


* All parents and carers using the school site to drop off or collect from After School Club or other activity taking place at school are to use the parent’s car park area and not the staff parking areas.


* All users of our car park are to be polite and courteous at all times. Please give consideration for other users of the car park.


* Children are permitted to ride bicycles and scooters to school and use the bike sheds for storage during the school day. Pupils must dismount from their bicycles and scooters when entering the school site and keep to the pathways. They are not to cross the car park or use the roads within the school site.


* All users of our car park must respect our neighbours and not park inconsiderately in the locality of our school. There is to be no parking at the Chequers Pub, or at Icknield Community College.


* In the event of any incident in the car park, governors will review the situation with a view to taking appropriate action. This may result in the withdrawal of the right to park on the school site for the individual(s) concerned.


* Use of our car park will be regularly reviewed. Parking on the school site is a privilege and not a right. This may be withdrawn by the Governors if they feel that the safety of the children is being compromised by inappropriate use of our car park.

Welcome to our wonderful school!