
Watlington Primary School

Watlington Primary School

Home Page


Monday 6th July


Good Morning,


This is our last weekly upload crying, so make sure that you work hard.  Complete all of the tasks to the best of your ability and learn the song.  We look forward to seeing you next week!


All the best!

Monday 29th June


Good morning,


Swallows Group B - Apologies but I forgot last Thursday to give you your letters back to write up in neat for your home learning! Don't panic - we will complete this task in school this week. Mr G smiley ​​​​​​​


We hope that you've enjoyed the warm weather.  All of the resources you'll need this week are attached below.  Remember to tune in for the Teams meeting at the time you've been allocated.


Take care!

Monday 22nd June


Good Morning,


We hope that you are keeping well - it was good to check in with some of you on Friday.  Below you'll find the grid and resources for this week.  Remember, you should still read every day and keep up the work on your spelling.  Also keep taking the time to work on whatever skills you think you need to develop.


Please can all children - including those who aren’t attending school at the moment - return their brass instrument and SATs revision guide books to school before the end of term. Those children who aren’t coming to school may return them to the school office. Thank you.


Take care of yourselves! 

Monday 15th June


Good Morning!


Below you'll find the weekly grid of activities as well as the resources that you will need to complete them.


Stay safe!


Mrs Dowling and Mr Gale

Monday 8th June


Good morning Swallows!


Take a look at the grid below, which provides a range of activities for you to complete this week.  We have also attached the text that we are studying in school, along with some comprehension questions.  Remember all of the daily and weekly tasks that we would like you to do too (such as reading and spelling).


Keep up the good work!

Monday 1st June


Good Morning Swallows,


We hope you had a good half term! Thank you to those that sent in their versions of Macbeth.  We were really impressed with all of them – what a wealth of talent we Swallows have.  You’ll find them attached below if you’d like to read them – they’re well worth a look!


As the school has reopened today, things here will change quite a bit – but we are still here for you.  Work will not be set in the same way; below we outline how your work will now look.


MATHS: We have now unlocked all of the Mathletics areas of learning.  Please use it as a revision tool to make sure you are as confident as you can be in all areas of maths by the end of the year.  We recommend doing a task or two a day.  If you find some areas tricky, take some extra time to revise and practice them.  Alongside this, we have attached some maths projects.  Please choose one and work your way through the project carefully and to the best of your ability. 


READING: We expect you to read critically every day.  We will not keep reminding you!  To read critically means that you take time to think about what you have read.


SPELLING: Below we have attached the spelling list for this half term (as well as other lists for revision, if needed).  You can use them whether you are in school or not.  Remember, as well as learning weekly words and revising previous spelling lists as necessary, you can work on extending your vocabulary.  Do the work that will benefit you the most, but do put the work in! Again, we will expect this to be done without weekly reminders.


ENGLISH:  If you are not attending school, each Monday we will post a grid of activities for you to complete throughout the week which will include English based work.  Feel free to add in other activities that you know will be beneficial to you and continue with the work routine that suits you and your circumstances.


TOPIC: You will all continue with your Tudor topic.  Suggestions will be made on the grid, but feel free to research other areas that interest you!


PE: Keep active in whichever way you prefer – but do get out in the sun and do something!


MUSIC: Remember to log in and practice your brass!


If you are in school, you will be set work to complete on your home learning days.  However, you are also welcome to complete work from the grids (you will notice some overlap between the grids and the work that we set in school).  We encourage you to complete some Mathletics on your home learning days.  If you are not in school, a new grid will be uploaded each Monday and we encourage you to carry on with the other work that we have suggested.


So, whether we will be seeing you in the near future or not, please remember: we are still a class and we are still working together to get you all ready for secondary school.


Our very best wishes to you all,

Mrs Dowling, Mr Gale, Miss Dearlove and Mrs McCarthy

Macbeth Revisited - examples of Swallows' work

Previous Resources

Below are the resources from terms 4 and 5, for your reference.

Resources 15.05.20


Still image for this video

Activities and Resources

Wednesday 29th April - Resources and Activities

Monday 27th April - Resources and Activities

Wednesday 3rd April 2020 - Activities and resources

Wednesday 1st April 2020 - Activities and resources

Monday 30th March 2020 - Activities and resources

Brass - Why not try some of these tasks on Yumu?

Friday 27th March 2020 - Activities and resources

Monday 23rd March 2020 - Activities and resources

Welcome to our wonderful school!